All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
AbstractLdapQuery<T extends Query<?,?>,U>
Returns a 401 error code (Unauthorized) to the client, when Ajax authentication fails.
Spring Security success handler, specialized for Ajax requests.
An annotation that can be used on test classes or as a meta annotation to use a custom configuration resource for the FlowableAppExtension.
An annotation that can be used on test methods, lifecycle method to inject the id of the deployment deployed via AppDeployment.
Provides access to all services that expose App management operations.
A base implementation of PlatformGroup that can be used when implementing a custom PlatformIdentityService
A base implementation of PlatformIdentityInfo that can be used when implementing a custom PlatformIdentityService
A base implementation of PlatformUser that can be used when implementing a custom PlatformIdentityService
Updates caches and artifacts for a deployment and its forms
TODO: this should be moved to external (but probably needs a new module)
TODO: this should be moved to external (but probably needs a new module)
Filter clients without advisor
An annotation that can be used on test classes or as a meta annotation to use a custom configuration resource for the FlowableContentExtension.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a ContentItemQuery.
Wrapper class for handling content item and metadata in forms
Hook points for enhancing the response of REST endpoints and services.
Marker interface to mark the base package for the Flowable Core Services
Hook point that can be used to override the update user handling
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a DatabaseContentObjectQuery.
Default Implementation of AutoDeploymentStrategy that performs a separate deployment for each resource by name.
Default implementation of AutoDeploymentStrategy that groups all Resources into a single deployment.
Default implementation of SubmittedVariablesExtractor just copies variable names from the submission into BE variables.
A SwitchUserDetailsService that delegates to a UserDetailsService for loading the UserDetails.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a FormDeploymentQuery.
An interface that can be implemented to provide the distinguished names based on a collection of user ids and / group ids / keys.
Default implementation of DistinguishedNameProvider that uses the Spring LdapTemplate to query for the information.
Represents a deployment that is already present in the document definition repository.
Builder for creating new deployments, similar to the document deployment builder.
An annotation that can be used on test methods, lifecycle method to inject the id of the deployment deployed via a DocumentDeployment.
Allows programmatic querying of DocumentDeployments.
Checks whether non enabled form field submitted variable value differs from the initial variable value
ContentObject, backed by a file.
Function for getting a user by id.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable AppEngine and services initialization.
Convenience for AppEngine and services initialization in the form of a JUnit rule.
A Helper for the Flowable FlowableAppExtension that can be used within the JUnit Jupiter context store and users can use it in the tests for easy modifying of the AppEngine time and easy access for waiting on the job executor.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable ContentEngine and services initialization.
Convenience for ContentEngine and services initialization in the form of a JUnit rule.
An extension that uses SpringExtension to get the ContentEngine from the ApplicationContext and make it available for the FlowableContentExtension.
A Helper for the Flowable FlowableContentExtension that can be used within the JUnit Jupiter context store and users can use it in the tests for easy modifying of the ContentEngine time and easy access for waiting on the job executor.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable FormEngine and services initialization.
Convenience for FormEngine and services initialization in the form of a JUnit rule.
An extension that uses SpringExtension to get the FormEngine from the ApplicationContext and make it available for the FlowableFormExtension.
A Helper for the Flowable FlowableFormExtension that can be used within the JUnit Jupiter context store and users can use it in the tests for easy modifying of the FormEngine time and easy access for waiting on the job executor.
An exception indicating that a validation of a form field value resulted in an error.
Base class for all FlowableIdmEntityEvent implementations, related to entities.
Builder class used to create FlowableEvent implementations.
Base class for all FlowableIdmEvent implementations.
Event fired when a PlatformIdentityInfo is set explicitly via.
Implementation of FlowableIdmMembershipEvent.
The Spring Security default implementation prefixes the authorities with SCOPE_ and uses the scopes from OAuth2 in the authorities.
Exposes an LDAP AuthenticationProvider bean using the Flowable LdapConfigurationApi.
The Spring Security default implementation prefixes the authorities with SCOPE_ and uses the scopes from OAuth2 in the authorities.
Custom implementation of Spring Security's RememberMeServices.
Base class for all FlowablePlatformIdmEventType implementations.
Enumeration containing all Platform IDM FlowableEventType(s).
A Spring Security configurer used for configuring the Flowable Token Request Parameter authentication.
Event fired when the presence information of a user has been changed.
Resolves the definition of a case instance or process instance
An annotation that can be used on test classes or as a meta annotation to use a custom configuration resource for the FlowableFormExtension.
Methods for working with deployments.
Specific parsing of one form json file.
Annotation for a test method to create and delete a deployment around a test method.
An annotation that can be used on test methods, lifecycle method to inject the id of the deployment deployed via FormDeploymentAnnotation.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a FormInstanceQuery.
A flowable internal API used for easier access to form definitions for different scopes.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a FormDefinitionQuery.
A utility class that hides the complexity of FormDefinitionEntity and FlowableFormModel lookup.
Gives access to a deployed form model, e.g., a Form JSON file, through a stream of bytes.
This permission helper implementation is the default one in the IDM module and is granting all permissions to all users for user management.
A voter which checks whether a user is allowed to impersonate another user or not.
Function for checking if a user is member of all groups.
Function for checking if a user is member in any group.
Function for checking if a user is not a member of any group.
Configuration for the LDAP identity service.
LDAP properties for different group operations.
Some properties are allowed to be a Collection, this means that this particular property would come from one of those attributes.
A provider for a tenant id for a group based on LDAP group Attributes.
A provider for a user definition key based on LDAP user Attributes.
A provider for the groups of a user.
LDAP properties for different user operations.
Some properties are allowed to be a Collection, this means that this particular property would come from one of those attributes.
A provider for a tenant id for a user based on LDAP user Attributes.
A filter which is going to remove the matchingRequestParameter created by the HttpSessionRequestCache.
Generic variable class that can be reused for V6 and V5 engine.
An abstract superclass for Command implementations that want to verify the provided app is always active (ie.
Implementation of the AuthTokenProvider that uses the OAuth2AuthorizedClientService to fetch an access token for a clientRegistrationId.
Handler that is invoked for specific user actions like creation, update, activation or deactivation and overrides the default user persistence logic.
An intermediate representation of a DeploymentEntity which keeps track of all of the entity's and resources.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable Platform idm engine and services initialization.
A builder for the Platform user that can be used to set predefined properties or add some custom properties.
The interface you can implement when you want to enhance user based search hit data.
Known presence states for the user.
An abstract super class for ContactFilter implementations that create a query programmatically.
A base Read Only implementation of the PlatformIdentityService that can be used for custom read only implementations.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a ContentItemQuery.
Implementation of AutoDeploymentStrategy that performs a separate deployment for each set of Resources that share the same parent folder.
Encapsulates the logic for transparently working with ByteArrayEntity.
MyBatis TypeHandler for ResourceRef.
Helper class for working with ResponseEntity.
A global intern service that can be used to retrieve the form info for different scope types.
Security scope that can be used for passing the needed security scope accessibility to the Java API.
Interface responsible for providing the security for a given principal.
Function for setting a user info for a user.
Function for setting the state and sub state of a user Usage:
Function for setting the state of a user Usage:
Function for setting the sub state of a user Usage:
(Very) simple implementation of the ContentStorage that relies on the passed metadata to store content.
Implementation of AutoDeploymentStrategy that performs a separate deployment for each resource by name.
A ContextMapper that maps to the Full Distinguished name
Extract variable name, value pairs from the submitted values
Similar to UserDetailsService with the difference that this passes the current authentication of the user performing the impersonation.
A UserDetailsService that delegates the calls to SwitchUserDetailsService to load the UserDetails.
A utility class that can be used when writing tests.
use AccessTokenBuilder instead
A builder for the user account that can be used to update or create an UserAccount
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of user account definitions for the provided test.
Builder for bulk registration of User Account Definitions.
An interface that can be used to provide base information for a given user.
A custom provider of GrantedAuthority based on an id from a user definition.
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of user definitions for the provided test.
Builder for bulk registration of User Definitions.
Information that can be used in the REST API to ignore non defined variables
Handler that is invoked for specific user actions like creation, update, activation or deactivation.
The permission service that can used to check permissions on actions to be executed in the context of a user like deactivation, reactivation, etc.
This interface contains the available states for a PlatformUser object.
This interface contains some commonly used sub states for platform users as a more specialized state information.
Known platform user types.