Class ContentEngines


public abstract class ContentEngines extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ContentEngines

      public ContentEngines()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public static void init()
      Initializes all content engines that can be found on the classpath for resources flowable.content.cfg.xml and for resources flowable-context.xml (Spring style configuration).
    • initContentEngineFromSpringResource

      protected static void initContentEngineFromSpringResource(URL resource)
    • registerContentEngine

      public static void registerContentEngine(ContentEngine contentEngine)
      Registers the given content engine. No ContentEngine will be available for this content engine. An engine that is registered will be closed when the destroy() is called.
    • unregister

      public static void unregister(ContentEngine contentEngine)
      Unregisters the given content engine.
    • buildContentEngine

      protected static ContentEngine buildContentEngine(URL resource)
    • getContentEngineInfos

      public static List<EngineInfo> getContentEngineInfos()
      Get initialization results.
    • getContentEngineInfo

      public static EngineInfo getContentEngineInfo(String contentEngineName)
      Get initialization results. Only info will we available for content engines which were added in the init(). No EngineInfo is available for engines which were registered programmatically.
    • getDefaultContentEngine

      public static ContentEngine getDefaultContentEngine()
    • getContentEngine

      public static ContentEngine getContentEngine(String contentEngineName)
      Obtain a content engine by name.
      contentEngineName - is the name of the content engine or null for the default content engine.
    • retry

      public static EngineInfo retry(String resourceUrl)
      Retries to initialize a content engine that previously failed.
    • getContentEngines

      public static Map<String,ContentEngine> getContentEngines()
      Provides access to content engine to application clients in a managed server environment.
    • destroy

      public static void destroy()
      Closes all content engines. This method should be called when the server shuts down.
    • isInitialized

      public static boolean isInitialized()
    • setInitialized

      public static void setInitialized(boolean isInitialized)