Class FormDefinitionDeploymentHelper


public class FormDefinitionDeploymentHelper extends Object
Methods for working with deployments. Much of the actual work of FormDefinitionDeployer is done by orchestrating the different pieces of work this class does; by having them here, we allow other deployers to make use of them.
  • Constructor Details

    • FormDefinitionDeploymentHelper

      public FormDefinitionDeploymentHelper()
  • Method Details

    • verifyFormsDoNotShareKeys

      public void verifyFormsDoNotShareKeys(Collection<FormDefinitionEntity> forms)
      Verifies that no two forms share the same key, to prevent database unique index violation.
      FlowableException - if any two forms have the same key
    • copyDeploymentValuesToForms

      public void copyDeploymentValuesToForms(FormDeploymentEntity deployment, List<FormDefinitionEntity> formDefinitions)
      Updates all the form entities to match the deployment's values for tenant, engine version, and deployment id.
    • setResourceNamesOnFormDefinitions

      public void setResourceNamesOnFormDefinitions(ParsedDeployment parsedDeployment)
      Updates all the form entities to have the correct resource names.
    • getMostRecentVersionOfForm

      public FormDefinitionEntity getMostRecentVersionOfForm(FormDefinitionEntity formDefinition)
      Gets the most recent persisted form that matches this one for tenant and key. If none is found, returns null. This method assumes that the tenant and key are properly set on the form entity.
    • getPersistedInstanceOfFormDefinition

      public FormDefinitionEntity getPersistedInstanceOfFormDefinition(FormDefinitionEntity formDefinition)
      Gets the persisted version of the already-deployed form. Note that this is different from getMostRecentVersionOfForm(com.flowable.form.engine.impl.persistence.entity.FormDefinitionEntity) as it looks specifically for a form that is already persisted and attached to a particular deployment, rather than the latest version across all deployments.