Interface UserPermissionService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UserPermissionService
The permission service that can used to check permissions on actions to be executed in the context of a user like deactivation, reactivation, etc.
Micha Kiener
  • Method Details

    • checkUserCreation

      @Deprecated Optional<String> checkUserCreation(String userId, String userToCreateId)
      Evaluates the permissions for the given user when creating a new user.
      userId - the id of the user to check the permissions for (not the one being deactivated)
      userToCreateId - the id of the new user to be created
      the permission error message, if permission is denied to create the user or no message, if permission is granted
    • checkUserCreation

      Optional<String> checkUserCreation(String userId, Collection<String> userGroupKeys, String userTenantId, String userToCreateId)
      Evaluates the permissions for the given user when creating a new user.
      userId - the id of the user to check the permissions for (not the one being deactivated)
      userGroupKeys - the group keys of the user to check the permissions
      userTenantId - the tenant id of the user to check the permissions
      userToCreateId - the id of the new user to be created
      the permission error message, if permission is denied to create the user or no message, if permission is granted
    • checkUserDeactivation

      @Deprecated Optional<String> checkUserDeactivation(String userId, String userToDeactivateId)
      Evaluates the permissions for the given user when deactivating a user.
      userId - the id of the user to check the permissions for (not the one being deactivated)
      userToDeactivateId - the id of the user to be deactivated
      the permission error message, if permission is denied to deactivate the user or no message, if permission is granted
    • checkUserDeactivation

      Optional<String> checkUserDeactivation(String userId, Collection<String> userGroupKeys, String userTenantId, String userToDeactivateId)
      Evaluates the permissions for the given user when deactivating a user.
      userId - the id of the user to check the permissions for (not the one being deactivated)
      userGroupKeys - the group keys of the user to check the permissions
      userTenantId - the tenant id of the user to check the permissions
      userToDeactivateId - the id of the user to be deactivated
      the permission error message, if permission is denied to deactivate the user or no message, if permission is granted
    • checkUserReactivation

      @Deprecated Optional<String> checkUserReactivation(String userId, String userToReactivateId)
      Evaluates the permissions for the given user when reactivating a user.
      userId - the id of the user to check the permissions for (not the one being reactivated)
      userToReactivateId - the id of the user to be reactivated
      the permission error message, if permission is denied to reactivate the user or no message, if permission is granted
    • checkUserReactivation

      Optional<String> checkUserReactivation(String userId, Collection<String> userGroupKeys, String userTenantId, String userToReactivateId)