Class EnabledFormFieldValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EnabledFormFieldValidator extends VariableValueProvider implements SubmittedVariableValidator
Checks whether non enabled form field submitted variable value differs from the initial variable value
  • Constructor Details

    • EnabledFormFieldValidator

      public EnabledFormFieldValidator()
  • Method Details

    • validateFormFields

      public void validateFormFields(String variableName, Object variableValue, List<FormVariable> formVariables, Map<String,Object> originalPayload, Map<String,Object> formVariablePayload, Map<String,List<FormVariable>> variableTypes, List<String> errors)
      Description copied from interface: SubmittedVariableValidator
      Applies restrictions form fields on the submitted variable name and value pair There can be many form variables associated with one form variable name. e.g one form with 2x text fields (A, B)referencing to the same variable 'text'. Theoretically they can differ in type too. A {{text}} B {{text}} Let's say A(text).minLength = 10, B(text).minLength = 5, if text.length = 2 expected message is only minLength less than 5
      Specified by:
      validateFormFields in interface SubmittedVariableValidator
      variableName - submitted variable name
      variableValue - submitted variable value
      formVariables - form variables extracted from the form model.
      originalPayload - original payload used to determine initial variable value
      formVariablePayload - the current form variable payload
      variableTypes - contains all variable types to be validated
      errors - put list of created errors
    • isVariableChanged

      protected boolean isVariableChanged(String variableName, Object variableValue, Map<String,Object> originalPayload)