Interface ContactFilterService

All Known Implementing Classes:
ContactFilterServiceImpl, IdmContactFilterService

public interface ContactFilterService
  • Method Details

    • getContactFilters

      List<ContactFilterResponse> getContactFilters(String userDefinitionKey, String tenantId)
      Get all contact filters registered for the given userDefinitionKey in the given tenantId
      userDefinitionKey - the user definition key in which the contact filters are registered
      tenantId - the tenant id
      Returns all contact filters registered for the user definition
    • getContactFilters

      List<ContactFilterResponse> getContactFilters(String userDefinitionKey, String tenantId, PlatformUser platformUser)
      Get all contact filters registered for the given userDefinitionKey in the given tenantId and are applicable to the given platformUser
      userDefinitionKey - the user definition key in which the contact filters are registered
      tenantId - the tenant id
      platformUser - the user for which the filters should be applicable
      all contact filters registered in the user definition and match the user
    • registerContactFilter

      void registerContactFilter(ContactFilter contactFilter)
      Registers a new system-wide contact filter. The key of the filter needs to be unique.
    • createContactSearchQuery

      ContactSearchQuery createContactSearchQuery()
      Create a query for querying contacts.