Interface CoreAppRepositoryService

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public interface CoreAppRepositoryService extends AppRepositoryService
  • Method Details

    • getCoreAppDefinition

      CoreAppDefinition getCoreAppDefinition(String appDefinitionId)
    • getCoreAppModel

      CoreAppModel getCoreAppModel(String appDefinitionId)
    • getPageDefinitionsForApp

      List<PageDefinition> getPageDefinitionsForApp(String appDefinitionKey)
    • getPageDefinitionsForApp

      List<PageDefinition> getPageDefinitionsForApp(String appDefinitionKey, String tenantId)
    • getCorePageModel

      CorePageModel getCorePageModel(String appDefinitionKey, String tenantId, String pageDefinitionRef)
    • createCoreAppDefinitionQuery

      CoreAppDefinitionQuery createCoreAppDefinitionQuery()
    • createPageDefinitionQuery

      PageDefinitionQuery createPageDefinitionQuery()
    • createAppVariableQuery

      AppVariableQuery createAppVariableQuery()
    • getVariables

      Map<String,Object> getVariables(String appKey)
      Get all variables for given app key.
      appKey - key of the application, cannot be null.
      the variables or an empty map if no such variables are found.
    • getVariables

      Map<String,Object> getVariables(String appKey, String tenantId)
      Get all variables for given app key and tenant id.
      appKey - key of the application, cannot be null.
      tenantId - tenant id of the application, cannot be null.
      the variables or an empty map if no such variables are found.
    • getVariableValue

      Object getVariableValue(String appKey, String variableName)
      Get variable value for given app key and variable name.
      appKey - key of the application, cannot be null.
      variableName - the variable name
      the variable value.
    • getVariableValue

      Object getVariableValue(String appKey, String tenantId, String variableName)
      Get variable value for given app key and variable name.
      appKey - key of the application, cannot be null.
      tenantId - tenant id of the application, cannot be null.
      variableName - the variable name
      the variable value.
    • setVariable

      void setVariable(String appKey, String variableName, Object value)
      Update or create a variable for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      variableName - name of variable to set, cannot be null.
      value - value to set. When null is passed, the variable is not removed, only it's value will be set to null.
    • setVariable

      void setVariable(String appKey, String tenantId, String variableName, Object value)
      Update or create a variable for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      tenantId - tenant id of the application
      variableName - name of variable to set, cannot be null.
      value - value to set. When null is passed, the variable is not removed, only it's value will be set to null.
    • setVariables

      void setVariables(String appKey, Map<String,Object> variables)
      Update or create a variable for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      variables - variables to set, cannot be null or empty.
    • setVariables

      void setVariables(String appKey, String tenantId, Map<String,Object> variables)
      Update or create a variable for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      tenantId - tenant id of the application
      variables - variables to set, cannot be null or empty.
    • deleteVariable

      void deleteVariable(String appKey, String variableName)
      Delete a variable for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      variableName - name of variable to delete, cannot be null.
    • deleteVariable

      void deleteVariable(String appKey, String tenantId, String variableName)
      Delete a variable for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      tenantId - tenant id of the application
      variableName - name of variable to delete, cannot be null.
    • deleteVariables

      void deleteVariables(String appKey, Collection<String> variableNames)
      Delete variables for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      variableNames - the collection of names of the variables to delete.
    • deleteVariables

      void deleteVariables(String appKey, String tenantId, Collection<String> variableNames)
      Delete variables for an app definition.
      appKey - application definition key, cannot be null.
      tenantId - tenant id of the application
      variableNames - the collection of names of the variables to delete.