Class FormTestHelper


public abstract class FormTestHelper extends Object
Tijs Rademakers, Joram Barrez
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FormTestHelper

      public FormTestHelper()
  • Method Details

    • annotationDeploymentSetUp

      public static String annotationDeploymentSetUp(FormEngine formEngine, Class<?> testClass, String methodName)
    • annotationDeploymentSetUp

      public static String annotationDeploymentSetUp(FormEngine formEngine, Class<?> testClass, Method method, FormDeploymentAnnotation deploymentAnnotation)
    • annotationDeploymentTearDown

      public static void annotationDeploymentTearDown(FormEngine formEngine, String deploymentId, Class<?> testClass, String methodName)
    • getFormResource

      public static String getFormResource(Class<?> type, String name)
      get a resource location by convention based on a class (type) and a relative resource name. The return value will be the full classpath location of the type, plus a suffix built from the name parameter: ParsedDeploymentBuilder.FORM_RESOURCE_SUFFIXES. The first resource matching a suffix will be returned.
    • getFormEngine

      public static FormEngine getFormEngine(String configurationResource)
    • closeFormEngines

      public static void closeFormEngines()
    • assertAndEnsureCleanDb

      public static void assertAndEnsureCleanDb(FormEngine formEngine)
      Each test is assumed to clean up all DB content it entered. After a test method executed, this method scans all tables to see if the DB is completely clean. It throws AssertionFailed in case the DB is not clean. If the DB is not clean, it is cleaned by performing a create a drop.