Interface UserAccountBuilder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UserAccountBuilder
    A builder for the user account that can be used to update or create an UserAccount
    Filip Hrisafov
    • Method Detail

      • userId

        UserAccountBuilder userId​(String userId)
        The id of the user that this account belongs to
        userId - the user id linked with the account
      • tenantId

        UserAccountBuilder tenantId​(String tenantId)
        The id of the tenant that this account belongs to
        tenantId - the tenant id for the account
      • name

        UserAccountBuilder name​(String name)
        The name of the account (e.g. WhatsApp for XY, etc)
        name - the name for the account
      • businessAccountId

        UserAccountBuilder businessAccountId​(String businessAccountId)
        The id of the business account that the user account would be linked to (e.g. WhatsApp business number xyz or WeChat official account, etc)
        businessAccountId - the id of the business account
      • externalUserId

        UserAccountBuilder externalUserId​(String externalUserId)
        The id of the user within the external system (e.g. the phone number for WhatsApp, the user-id for Facebook account, etc)
        externalUserId - the id of the external user
      • userAccountDefinitionId

        UserAccountBuilder userAccountDefinitionId​(String userAccountDefinitionId)
        The id of the UserAccountDefinition that should be used when creating the user account.
        userAccountDefinitionId - the id of the user account definition
      • userAccountDefinitionKey

        UserAccountBuilder userAccountDefinitionKey​(String userAccountDefinitionKey)
        The key of the UserAccountDefinition that should be used when creating the user account.
        userAccountDefinitionKey - the key of the user account definition