Interface UserAccount

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        The unique id for the user account.
        thd user account id
      • getUserId

        String getUserId()
        The id of the user that this account belongs to. It might be null if the account is not yet linked with a user (during onboarding for example).
        the id of the user that this account belongs to
      • getTenantId

        String getTenantId()
        The id of the tenant that this user account belongs to
        the tenant id
      • getName

        String getName()
        The name of the account. (e.g. WhatsApp for XY, etc)
        the name of the account
      • getType

        String getType()
        The type of the account. (e.g. Messenger)
        the type of the account
      • getSubType

        String getSubType()
        The sub type of the account. (e.g. WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook, etc)
        the sub type of the account
      • getState

        String getState()
        The state of the user account
        the state
      • getSubState

        String getSubState()
        The sub state of the user account
        the sub state
      • getBusinessAccountId

        String getBusinessAccountId()
        The id of the business account id this user account is linked to (e.g. WhatsApp business number xyz or WeChat official account, etc).
        the business account id
      • getExternalUserId

        String getExternalUserId()
        The id of the user within the external system (e.g. the phone number if it is a WhatsApp account or the user-id for a facebook account, etc)
        external user id
      • getUserAccountDefinitionId

        String getUserAccountDefinitionId()
        The id of the user account definition for this user account
        the user account definition id
      • getCreatorId

        String getCreatorId()
        The id of the user that created this account
        the id of the creator
      • getCreationTime

        Date getCreationTime()
        The time of creation of this account
        the creation time of this account
      • getUpdaterId

        String getUpdaterId()
        The id of the user that last updated the account
        the id of the user that last updated the account
      • getUpdateTime

        Date getUpdateTime()
        The time of the last update of this account
        the last update time of this account
      • isActive

        default boolean isActive()
        Method to check if this user account has the state ACTIVE.
        true if this user account has the state ACTIVE, false otherwise