Interface UserAccountService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UserAccountService
    Filip Hrisafov
    • Method Detail

      • setStateAndSubState

        void setStateAndSubState​(String accountId,
                                 String state,
                                 String subState)
        Update the state and sub state of the user account. If the value for the state is null then the state of the user account won't be changed. If the value for the subState is null then the subState of the user account won't be changed. At least one of state and / or subState must be set
        accountId - the id of the account that should have it's state updated
        state - the optional new state of the account, if null it won't be changed
        subState - the optional new sub state of the account, if null if won't be changed
      • setSubState

        default void setSubState​(String accountId,
                                 String subState)
        Set the sub state of this user account. The sub state might be used to more specifically describe the current state of the user account. By default this method delegates to setStateAndSubState(String, String, String) with state null
        accountId - the id of the account to change its substate
        subState - the new sub state to be set on this user object
        See Also:
        for more information
      • setType

        void setType​(String accountId,
                     String type,
                     String subType)
        Update the type and sub type of the user account
        accountId - the of the account that should have it's type updated
        type - the new type of the account
        subType - the new sub type of the account
      • deleteUserAccount

        void deleteUserAccount​(String accountId)
        Delete the user account with the given id.
        accountId - the id of the account