Interface AppIncidentQuery

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AppIncidentQuery extends Query<AppIncidentQuery,AppIncident>
  • Method Details

    • id

      Query for app incident with the given id.
    • type

      Query for app incidents with the given type.
    • subType

      AppIncidentQuery subType(String subType)
      Query for app incidents with the given sub type.
    • appDefinitionKey

      AppIncidentQuery appDefinitionKey(String appDefinitionKey)
      Query for app incidents with the given app definition key.
    • scopeId

      AppIncidentQuery scopeId(String scopeId)
      Query for app incidents with the given scope id.
    • subScopeId

      AppIncidentQuery subScopeId(String subScopeId)
      Query for app incidents with the given sub scope id.
    • scopeType

      AppIncidentQuery scopeType(String scopeType)
      Query for app incidents with the given scope type.
    • scopeDefinitionId

      AppIncidentQuery scopeDefinitionId(String scopeDefinitionId)
      Query for app incidents with the given scope definition id.
    • createdBefore

      AppIncidentQuery createdBefore(Date createdBefore)
      Query for app incidents with a creation time before the give date.
    • createdAfter

      AppIncidentQuery createdAfter(Date createdAfter)
      Query for app incidents with a creation time after the give date.
    • tenantId

      AppIncidentQuery tenantId(String tenantId)
      Query for app variables with the given tenant id.
    • tenantIdLike

      AppIncidentQuery tenantIdLike(String tenantIdLike)
      Query for app variables like the given tenant id.
    • withoutTenantId

      AppIncidentQuery withoutTenantId()
      Query for app variables without a tenant id.
    • orderByCreateTime

      AppIncidentQuery orderByCreateTime()
      Order the result by incident create time.
    • orderByIncidentType

      AppIncidentQuery orderByIncidentType()
      Order the result by incident type.
    • orderByIncidentSubType

      AppIncidentQuery orderByIncidentSubType()
      Order the result by incident sub type.