Interface AppIncident

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AppIncident
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      unique identifier
    • getType

      String getType()
      reference to the incident type
    • getSubType

      String getSubType()
      reference to the incident sub type
    • getAppDefinitionKey

      String getAppDefinitionKey()
      reference to the app definition key
    • getScopeDefinitionId

      String getScopeDefinitionId()
      reference to the scope definition id for the incident
    • getScopeId

      String getScopeId()
      reference to the scope id for the incident
    • getSubScopeId

      String getSubScopeId()
      reference to the sub scope id for the incident
    • getScopeType

      String getScopeType()
      reference to the scope type for the incident
    • getTenantId

      String getTenantId()
      the tenant identifier of this app variable
    • getIncidentInfo

      Map<String,Object> getIncidentInfo()
      Returns the incident info as a Map
    • getCreateTime

      Date getCreateTime()
      the create timestamp of this incident