Interface SecurityScope

All Known Implementing Classes:
FlowableAuthenticationSecurityScope, FlowablePrincipalSecurityScope

public interface SecurityScope
Security scope that can be used for passing the needed security scope accessibility to the Java API.
Filip Hrisafov
  • Method Details

    • getUserId

      String getUserId()
      The id of the user for which the security scope is meant for
      the user id
    • getGroupKeys

      Set<String> getGroupKeys()
      The group keys for which the security scope is meant for
      the group keys
    • getTenantId

      String getTenantId()
      The tenant id for which the security scope is meant for
      the tenant id
    • getUserDefinitionKey

      String getUserDefinitionKey()
      The user definition key for which the security scope is meant for
      the user definition key
    • hasAuthority

      boolean hasAuthority(String authority)
      Check if the security scope has the given authority.
      authority - the authority to be checked
      true if the security scope has the given authority, false otherwise
    • getImpersonationScope

      default SecurityScope getImpersonationScope()
      Return the SecurityScope for the user doing the impersonation. If no impersonation is happenning then return null
      the security scope of the user doing the impersonation or null