Interface AppVariableQuery

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public interface AppVariableQuery extends Query<AppVariableQuery,AppVariable>
  • Method Details

    • id

      Query for the app variable with the given id.
    • appKey

      AppVariableQuery appKey(String appKey)
      Query for app variables with the given app key.
    • variableName

      AppVariableQuery variableName(String variableName)
      Query for app variables with the given variable name.
    • variableNameLike

      AppVariableQuery variableNameLike(String variableNameLike)
      Query for app variables like the given variable name.
    • variableValueEquals

      AppVariableQuery variableValueEquals(String variableName, Object variableValue)
      Query for app variables with the given name and value
    • variableValueNotEquals

      AppVariableQuery variableValueNotEquals(String variableName, Object variableValue)
      Query for app variables that don't have the given name and value
    • variableValueLike

      AppVariableQuery variableValueLike(String variableName, String variableValue)
      Query for app variables like the given name and value
    • variableValueLikeIgnoreCase

      AppVariableQuery variableValueLikeIgnoreCase(String variableName, String variableValue)
      Query for app variables like the given name and value (case insensitive)
    • tenantId

      AppVariableQuery tenantId(String tenantId)
      Query for app variables with the given tenant id.
    • tenantIdLike

      AppVariableQuery tenantIdLike(String tenantIdLike)
      Query for app variables like the given tenant id.
    • withoutTenantId

      AppVariableQuery withoutTenantId()
      Query for app variables without a tenant id.
    • orderByVariableName

      AppVariableQuery orderByVariableName()
      Order the result by variable name.