Interface DocumentRepositoryService

    • Method Detail

      • getDeploymentResourceNames

        List<String> getDeploymentResourceNames​(String deploymentId)
        Retrieves a list of deployment resources for the given deployment, ordered alphabetically.
        deploymentId - id of the deployment, cannot be null.
      • getResourceAsStream

        InputStream getResourceAsStream​(String deploymentId,
                                        String resourceName)
        Gives access to a deployment resource through a stream of bytes.
        deploymentId - id of the deployment, cannot be null.
        resourceName - name of the resource, cannot be null.
        FlowableObjectNotFoundException - when the resource doesn't exist in the given deployment or when no deployment exists for the given deploymentId.
      • getDocumentDefinition

        DocumentDefinition getDocumentDefinition​(String documentDefinitionId)
        Returns the DocumentDefinition including all action information like additional Properties (e.g. documentation).
      • setDocumentDefinitionCategory

        void setDocumentDefinitionCategory​(String documentDefinitionId,
                                           String category)
      • deleteDeployment

        void deleteDeployment​(String deploymentId)
        Deletes the given deployment.
        deploymentId - id of the deployment, cannot be null.