Interface DocumentDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        int getVersion()
      • getDeploymentId

        String getDeploymentId()
      • getTenantId

        String getTenantId()
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of this action which is also used as the slash action name (e.g. name 'foo' would be exposed within a conversation with '/foo' to execute it).
        the name of the action
      • getResourceName

        String getResourceName()
      • getCategory

        String getCategory()
      • getCreationTime

        Date getCreationTime()
        Returns the creation timestamp of this data object.
        the creation timestamp
      • getUpdateTime

        Date getUpdateTime()
        Returns the timestamp of the last update of this data object, in most cases where events are immutable, this timestamp is the same as the creation timestamp, but must never be null.
        the timestamp of the last update / modification of this data object