Interface CoreContentItemQuery

    • Method Detail

      • nameIgnoreCase

        CoreContentItemQuery nameIgnoreCase​(String nameIgnoreCase)
        Only select content items with the given name ignoring case.
      • nameLikeIgnoreCase

        CoreContentItemQuery nameLikeIgnoreCase​(String nameLikeIgnoreCase)
        Only select content items with a name like the given value ignoring case.
      • versionInfoLike

        CoreContentItemQuery versionInfoLike​(String versionInfoLike)
        Only select content items with a version info like the given string.
      • versionParentId

        CoreContentItemQuery versionParentId​(String versionParentId)
        Only select content items with the given version parent id.
      • definitionId

        CoreContentItemQuery definitionId​(String definitionId)
        Only select content items with the given definition id.
      • parentFolderId

        CoreContentItemQuery parentFolderId​(String parentFolderId)
        Only select content items with the given folder parent id.
      • baseFolderId

        CoreContentItemQuery baseFolderId​(String baseFolderId)
        Only select content items with the given folder base id.
      • mimeTypeNotEquals

        CoreContentItemQuery mimeTypeNotEquals​(String mimeTypeNotEquals)
        Only select content items with a mime type that is not equal to the given mime type.
      • isRootFolder

        CoreContentItemQuery isRootFolder()
        Only select folder content items which are on the root level.
      • includeCachedItems

        CoreContentItemQuery includeCachedItems()
        Include cached content items, only implemented for queries with mimetype = folder, a filled parent folder id and a process instance id, task id, or scope id. This is to prevent folders from getting created multiple times
      • accessibleByUserOrGroups

        CoreContentItemQuery accessibleByUserOrGroups​(String userId,
                                                      Collection<String> groupKeys)
        Only select content items that are accessible by the given userId or groupKeys. This will check accessibility to the references of a content item. e.g. if a ContentItem is linked to a process instance it will check the process instance identity links.