Interface TemplateProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AsposePdfTemplateProcessor, AsposeWordTemplateProcessor, DocumentTemplateProcessor, FreeMarkerTemplateProcessor

public interface TemplateProcessor
A template processor is used to process a TemplateVariationDefinition and is typically registered / looked up based on the type of a template returned by TemplateDefinition.getType().
Micha Kiener
  • Method Details

    • canRender

      boolean canRender(TemplateModel template, TemplateVariationModel templateVariation)
      Before a template is rendered, the service will call this method to check, whether this processor is able to handle the given template. Typically, this is based on the type / subType of the template.
      template - the template definition containing meta information like type and sub type of the template
      templateVariation - the template to check, if it can be rendered by this processor
      true if it can be rendered by this processor, false otherwise
    • processTemplate

      default TemplateProcessingResult processTemplate(TemplateHolder template, Map<String,Object> payload)
    • processTemplate

      TemplateProcessingResult processTemplate(TemplateHolder template, Map<String,Object> payload, Map<String,Object> templateProcessingSettings)
      Processes a template given by its definition which might have been loaded through the TemplateRepositoryService. The payload is used for the placeholders within the template content and must be valid according the TemplateVariationModel.getParameters() definition.
      template - the template holder with template and template variation information
      payload - the optional payload, if the template is using placeholders to render properly (must be valid according the parameter definition)
      the template processing results