All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
Provides an abstract base class for data structures that conform to a specific data dictionary type.
An abstract based class for DMN based permission helpers where the evaluation of permissions is based on the execution of DMN models.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
An abstract service invoker supporting general methods around parameter handling for service invokers.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
An abstract bot implementation to start a process or case instance and supporting some functions around it.
Abstract base class for implementations of AutoDeploymentStrategy.
This interface is an enumeration of the default channel types available for actions, however, you can also add additional, custom ones.
An action definition is used as the model and meta information in order to create a new Action based on such a definition.
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of action definitions for the provided test.
An action definition model contains all information around an action definition, its necessary permissions and mapped types and many things more to have pluggable actions on scoped objects like conversations, users, etc.
A collection of common tags representing additional state information which can then be used within the tag list of ActionDefinition.
Represents a deployment that is already present in the action definition repository.
Builder for creating new deployments, similar to the action deployment builder.
Allows programmatic querying of ActionDeployments.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable Platform action engine and services initialization.
An object structure representing an action instance.
Helper for starting new Action instance.
An object structure representing an execution of an action instance.
Allows programmatic querying of ActionInstances.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a ActionInstanceQuery.
The action template service supports the handling of message generation in the scope of the Action engine.
The default implementation for a confirmation template service using the template engine to render template based confirmation messages and titles.
Adds user as a participant to the parent CaseInstance/ProcessInstance
A specialization of the JsonObjectKeyValueExtractorQueryResultMapper that will look in the 'aggregations' field by default.
Annotation indicating that the bean annotated with it is available in strict mode.
Annotation indicating that the method or methods in a class can be executed in strict mode.
A TemplateProcessor using the Aspose Document.
A TemplateProcessor using the Aspose ReportingEngine.
Wrapper for the async history job data, to avoid messing with maps and lists.
A listener for command context lifecycle close events that generates JSON (using Jackson) and corresponding HistoryJobEntity when the CommandContext closes and adds them to the list of entities that will be inserted to the database.
The audit definition contains the necessary meta information and description of its related AuditInstance which also includes the optional list of necessary parameters available within the payload of the instance.
The audit engine configuration API.
The runtime instance of an audit entry, typically created through the AuditService.
A builder to create new objects of type AuditInstance.
A query builder to query for AuditInstance.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a AuditInstanceQuery.
The main service to create and retrieve AuditInstance.
A Log4J 2 converter that can be used to output the currently authenticated user.
A Logback converter that can be used to output the currently authenticated user.
An authorized action represents an action which can be checked for permissions by using a permission helper.
This enumeration contains a list of actions which are authorized as part of the permission check when executing actions for a user.
A simple representation of tokens which can be used as bearer tokens to authenticate against 3rd party services.
A base implementation for BotActionResult.
The result when invoking a bot action.
Holds context information for a bot action invocation.
Implement this bot service interface to provide an execution for action definitions based on this bot.
Ensures script error traces of the configured engine are extended with cmmn / bpmn scope information
An action bot starting a new process instance and passing in the provided payload.
An interceptor that will be called before and/or after the execution of a BulkRequest in the BulkIndexingSession.
This is a custom class to do bulk requests to ES.
Special ResourceAccessor which can be used to load the Liquibase XML changelog from a byte array.
The result mapper interface converting case search hits into case search representation objects.
The interface you can implement when you want to enhance case based search hit data.
A TypeHandler that uses ResultSet.getCharacterStream(String) and ResultSet.getCharacterStream(int) to convert a Clob into a string.
An action bot starting a new case instance and passing in the provided payload.
A bot that handles actions originating from CMMN manual activates plan item instances.
A bot that handles actions originating from CMMN user event listeners.
A read-only variable container, which iterates a collection of given variable containers to resolve a variable, in the order of iteration.
A configurable date / date and time formatter utility.
A builder for creating ConfigurationProperty
The interface you can implement when you want to enhance content item based search hit data.
The context object aware variant of BotService.
A custom indexing configuration based on a list of types to be indexed within this index.
A dashboard component definition defines how a component gets its data and what options are available.
Takes a generic JSON object and flattens it into the usable data bits, relevant for the provided filter and aggregation configuration.
Represents a data dictionary typed array data container abstraction, ensuring adherence to a specific data dictionary type.
A data dictionary typed structure that is backed by json data.
A data dictionary typed structure that is backed by a map.
Represents a data dictionary typed data container abstraction, ensuring adherence to a specific data dictionary type.
The data-dictionary-variable xml element definition with additional runtime information added (data dictionary)
The Data Dictionary Variable Definitions is a collection of DataDictionaryVariableDefinition (type information) for a given scope
Session to deal with and cache data dictionary related aspects of Service Registry Models.
A delegate data object model, which is used to hold enriched field mappings derived from the data dictionary information.
A data source is responsible to handle external data objects, like lookup, query, create, update and delete.
Defines the data object data source ids
The definition describing a data object.
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of data object definitions for the provided test.
A query object used to query for data object definitions.
The basic data object deletion builder which might be extended with a strongly typed support by the underlying DataObjectDataSource implementation.
Represents a deployment that is already present in the data object definition repository.
Builder for creating new deployments, similar to the data object deployment builder.
Allows programmatic querying of DataObjectDeployments.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable Platform data object engine and services initialization.
The data object context is used during data object creation and modification operations and is used to provide additional context information like the form model where the operation is based on or additional payload data.
The query interface to create a query to search for data object instances.
A data object instance variable container.
The basic data object instance builder which might be extended with a strongly typed support by the underlying DataObjectDataSource implementation.
This variable type is used to store a referenced data object as a variable, but only holding its lookup id and definition id.
The data object model contains all meta information around a data object like source, fields behaviour and further information.
The basic data object modification builder which might be extended with a strongly typed support by the underlying DataObjectDataSource implementation.
The main service interface for the master data management.
The data object runtime service supports lookup of data object instances based on DataObjectDefinitions as well as some more data object and its definition based features.
A query object used to query for data object schema definitions.
A list of available data object source types as being used by the DataObjectDefinition.
Defines the data object type of the data object definition
Data Object variable.
This variable type is used to store a referenced data object as a variable, but only holding its lookup id and definition id.
The default form provider will simply use the form repository to fetch the latest form definition by form key.
The default template processing result, holding the processed content as well as the template definition and variation used to process the result.
Default implementation of VariableIndexingFilter, allowing to define a list of variable names to include or exclude.
Whether to filter by inclusion of matched patterns or exclusion of matched patterns.
Resolves the definition of a case instance or process instance
This variable type is used to store a detached data object as a variable/ It holds its lookup id and definition id, and it will also store the values of the data object.
Edoras VIS i18n property.
Utils for working with Flowable and edoras vis.
This is a custom class to do bulk requests to ES.
Low-level operations for Elasticsearch.
The result mapper is used to map a hit returned by an Elasticsearch query into a response object.
Maintains a list of all the entities in order of dependency.
Maintains a list of all the entities in order of dependency.
Maintains a list of all the entities in order of dependency.
Maintains a list of all the entities in order of dependency.
Maintains a list of all the entities in order of dependency.
Maintains a list of all the entities in order of dependency.
Utility class to deal with entity links.
Helper class that wraps a HistoricEntityLink such that the methods don't need to distinguish.
Helper for executing and Action instance.
Allows to define nested groups of filter clauses which are transformed to SQL WHERE clauses.
A function delegate to add objects to an ArrayNode.
Util class for creating different Collector(s) that are not part of the Java Collectors utils.
Enumeration containing all DataObjectEvents FlowableEventType(s).
Expression Bean Name: flwAuthTokenUtils
Expression Bean Name: flw.base64 Provides utilities to work with base64.
Expression Bean Name: flwCollectionUtils Offers utilities to work with Collections (Lists, Sets etc.) as well as Maps.
Use methods from FlowableExpressionTimeUtils instead
Expression Bean Name: flw.format Offers a number of formatting utils, mostly related to numbers, currencies and strings.
Expression Bean Name: Provides utilities to work with I/O.
Expression Bean Name: flwJsonUtils Offers utilities to work with JSON objects and arrays.
Expression Bean Name: flw.locale Provides utilities to work with locales, countries and languages.
Expression Bean Name: flw.math Provides a number of mathematical operations.
Expression Bean Name: flw.string Provides utilities to work with strings.
Expression Bean Name: flw.time Provides a number of date and time utilities which can be used in expressions.
Function delegate that allows creating a list of items.
Implementation of the DefaultObjectWrapper for Flowable supported types.
Updates allowed properties for process instance, case instance and task entities
Class that exposes the Flowable Platform version.
A FreeMarker engine based template processor.
A generic indexing transformer that just gets the data and sends it to ES as is.
Represents an entity that is associated with a specific type of a data dictionary.
Resolves base from the hierarchy
An object structure representing a historic action instance.
Allows programmatic querying of HistoricActionInstances.
Contains the possible properties that can be used in a HistoricActionInstanceQuery.
A common interface for historic root process and case instances.
Query used for querying historic root process and case instances.
A type filter used to filter work objects with for custom indexing types.
A configuration for a single indexed field, contained within an CustomIndexConfiguration.
Implements the IndexingHistoryJobProducer to create a new HistoryJobEntity which is a copy of the one that is normally created.
Indexing Filter related methods.
Variable type that can be used for storing variables within the index
Interface describing a container for all available IndexVariableType(s).
A TypeHandler that uses ObjectMapper to map the values into a String.
A ModelFactory that supports the use of JsonNode in Freemarker templates.
VariableIndexingFilter that only allows Variables without ByteArrayRefs
Adapts the wrapped Iterable to be used in a Linq context.
Exposes low-level indexing operations.
Used in conjunction with #addToCurrentBulkRequestAsFullIndexWithExternalVersion to define the logic for creating the data for a new history job when a version conflict happens.
A low-level enhancer that gets called for each query result that is executed through the SearchService.
Type handler that maps Map<String, Object> into a Clob as JSON.
Master data entries might be cacheable, if sourced from an external system for performance or any other reason.
This interface defines the identity link types used for MasterDataModels to define the capabilities / allowed features for the management of master data.
The master data parameter represents a parameter used to filter master data instances if they are depending on other values.
A single master data instance usually fetched through the DataObjectRuntimeService and based on a DataObjectDefinition.
Helper for creating a new Master data instance.
An Import Builder which allows importing master data instances in bulk from master data documents.
The query interface to create a query to search for master data instances.
Helper for updating a Master data instance.
The master data model contains all meta information for a single master data definition (type).
A master data source is used to fetch master data entries for one or more DataObjectDefinitions.
A list of predefined master data states like active and archived.
ELResolver creates new variables in the base VariableContainer
ELResolver which do not allows read/write access to unknown properties.
Annotation indicating that a method should not be executed in strict mode.
Provides an order pair of two values, also called a 2-tuple.
Checks whether the VariableContainer is a ParentAwareVariableContainer and uses this variable container to call the given enhancers.
This enumeration contains the different types of participants within a conversation.
This interface contains the available permission (authorization) error codes available as templates within the template engine.
This utility helps creating template based permission (authorization) error messages.
This class holds the result of a permission evaluation based on a DMN model.
An enumeration containing the various outcomes of the default, DMN based conversation permissions.
A global service that can be used to invoke PermissionService of different scope type.
Interface to be implemented by any object that wishes to have access to the PermissionServiceRegistry.
A PlanItemInstanceLifecycleListener implementation that creates an ActionInstance when any plan item instance becomes enabled.
A PlanItemInstanceLifecycleListener implementation that removes an action instance when an enabled PlanItemInstance in the ENABLED state is left.
Represents a deployment that is already present in the query definition repository.
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of query definitions for the provided test.
Builder for creating new deployments, similar to the action deployment builder.
Allows programmatic querying of PlatformDeployments.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable Platform engine and services initialization.
Implements callback methods to enhance the data before it gets indexed.
Marker interface to mark the base package for the Flowable Platform Services
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of policy definitions for the provided test.
Represents a deployment that is already present in the policy definition repository.
Builder for creating new deployments, similar to the policy deployment builder.
Allows programmatic querying of PolicyDeployments.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable Platform policy engine and services initialization.
The interface you can implement when you want to enhance process based search hit data.
Contains a predefined set of available query sub types.
Contains a predefined set of available query types.
A PlanItemInstanceLifecycleListener implementation that removes the ActionInstance associated with reactivate event listener when the event listener is completed.
Manager that can be used to do a full reindex of an index.
Allows removing case assignee
Allows removing case owner
Encapsulates the logic for transparently working with ActionResourceEntity .
Encapsulates the logic for transparently working with DataObjectResourceEntity .
Encapsulates the logic for transparently working with PolicyResourceEntity .
Encapsulates the logic for transparently working with TemplateResourceEntity .
Inbound Channel model for incoming REST requests.
Low-level enhancer for REST service invocations.
Resolves the scope token to either some ProcessInstance or CaseInstance
Known scopes for Flowable
Simple value object holding relevant information for script evaluation.
Special EngineConfigurator for ScriptingEngineAwareEngineConfiguration configurations which allows to get access to the ScriptingEngines instance after initialization (only if available).
The script invoker is a service invoker based on either a groovy or juel script.
A script service invocation based response object holding the map of output parameters collected during script execution.
Groups utility methods related to permissions for searching.
Higher-level search client (vs the lower-level ElasticsearchClient, that knows about index aliases and will apply them.
This is the sequence generator used which uses the Sequence Definitions to configure itself and perform the formatting for the generated sequence.
An interface that is used for generating the next value for a sequence.
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of service definitions for the provided test.
Builder for creating new deployments, similar to the service deployment builder.
Allows programmatic querying of ServiceDeployments.
The interface of a service output parameter used in a service definition.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable Platform service registry engine and services initialization.
A resolver used within the scripting engine context to resolve various services and variables within a scripting context.
The variable resolver factory being used in a script-based service invoker within the service registry, resolving various beans and services.
Helper for creating a new SLA audit instance.
A job handler handling SLA based due dates for tasks.
A job handler handling SLA based escalation steps for tasks.
MyBatis LocalDate converter that uses the JDBC SQL Date, instead of getObject.
A "standard Flowable query" in this context is a query that queries a certain index with typical 'standard' Flowable concepts such as process/cases definitions, variables, etc.
This interfaces exists so that the logic of the AbstractPlatformSecurityService can be injected into classes from the flowable-platrform-indexing module.
Standard built-in types of the data dictionary, like string, integer, double, etc.
Type handler that maps List<String> into a Clob as JSON.
Type handler that maps Set<String> into a Clob as JSON.
Extracts BE expressions from the submitted variable names
This HistoryManager will create HistoryJob's that will only contain the id and type.
A transformer that handles scopes: process instances, case instances and tasks.
A simple synchronization result object holding information about a master data entry synchronization action.
The interface you can implement when you want to enhance task based search hit data.
This service handles the runtime change of a template or template definition with an optional change / approval process to be triggered.
The implementation of the the template change service able to change and deploy a change to a template or template variation at runtime with an optional change process being triggered first.
A template definition can be used for any sort of template (e.g.
Annotation that can be used to trigger a deployment of action definitions for the provided test.
This exception is thrown, if a TemplateDefinition could not be found.
Represents a deployment that is already present in the template definition repository.
Builder for creating new deployments, similar to the action deployment builder.
Allows programmatic querying of TemplateDeployments.
The template engine configuration where you can access the different services.
JUnit Jupiter extension for the Flowable Platform template engine and services initialization.
A template holder is referencing (holding) all necessary information around a single template and variation with all necessary data.
The basic implementation for a template holder.
A template definition can be used for any sort of template (e.g.
A single parameter definition used to describe the necessary payload when rendering a TemplateVariationDefinition.
A template processing result represents the result from a processed TemplateVariationDefinition through a TemplateProcessor.
A template processor is used to process a TemplateVariationDefinition and is typically registered / looked up based on the type of a template returned by TemplateDefinition.getType().
The template service is used to create and render content based on a TemplateDefinition.
The template service implements methods supporting the creation and rendering of TemplateVariationModel.
Contains a predefined set of available template types.
This template variation definition holds one single variation of a TemplateDefinition for one combination of variants like language, country, etc.
A freemarker based template loader loading template content based on a TemplateVariationModel which is loaded through the TemplateRepositoryService by its id which is passed in as the template name.
This template variation definition holds one single variation of a TemplateDefinition for one combination of variants like language, country, etc.
The request object for a template variation query supporting a search text.
A Log4J 2 converter that can be used to output the current tenant.
A Logback converter that can be used to output the currently authenticated user.
this class is only meant for internal ELResolver.
An implementation of ReindexRunnable that uses a threadpool to fetch pages of data from the database.
Query for querying translations.
A reference to another dictionary type.
A generic indexing transformer that allows to do an update by query.
Helper for creating a new SLA audit instance.
The DTO used to update a template variation content.
A PlanItemInstanceLifecycleListener implementation that creates an ActionInstance when a user event listener becomes active.
A PlanItemInstanceLifecycleListener implementation that removes the ActionInstance associated with the user event listener when the user event listeners is completed.
Implements a bot managing user based action definitions.
The default permission service implementing permission checks in the context of a user.
Some utility function to parse values out of generic object values with null checking support mainly used within generic builders.
Filter allowing to decide whether a variable should be indexed or not.
Matches variable names against a list of patterns, either by exact match or with wildcards supporting prefix and suffix matching.
Predefined set of content types for the variations.
A variation describes a single variation used for a TemplateDefinition having multiple variations (e.g.
A common interface for process and case definitions.
A common interface for runtime root process and case instances.
A common interface for root process and case instances.
Query used for querying process and case instances.
Query used for querying runtime process and case instances.
The interface you can implement when you want to enhance work based search hit data.