Interface CoreRestDataInterceptor

public interface CoreRestDataInterceptor
Hook points for enhancing the response of REST endpoints and services. Currently, the following hooks are available: - on start of a new case- or process-instance using a start form - on completion of a task with its task form - on save of a case-page or a case-, process- or task-instance - on loading the data for a form of a case-page or a case-, process- or task-instance If you intend to make any changes to the original, persisted data, keep in mind to remove or exchange it with the original data again within the hooks where data is sent back for persisting to avoid the masked field data being persisted and overwriting the original values. As an example: if you mask the data of the variable 'foo' with 'xxx' as the current user is not allowed to see it, make sure to exchange the same data again when sent back for persistence as the variable map coming from the form will still contain 'xxx' for the 'foo' variable and needs to be exchanged with the original, persisted value.