Interface FormDataModelVariablesExtractor

  • public interface FormDataModelVariablesExtractor
    Filip Hrisafov
    • Method Detail

      • extractVariableFromFormPayload

        Object extractVariableFromFormPayload​(FormDataModel formDataModel,
                                              Map<String,​Object> modifiedData,
                                              Map<String,​Object> originalData,
                                              List<FormVariable> dataModelVariableTypes)
        Get the variable for the formDataModel from the provided modifiedData. The modifiedData will contain the transformed data that has been changed in the form request. The originalData contains the data before the changes by the submit
        formDataModel - The form data model definition
        modifiedData - The transformed modified data from the form payload
        originalData - The original data before the user changes
        dataModelVariableTypes -
        the parsed variable that should be used