Class OAuth2MapperProperties

  • public class OAuth2MapperProperties
    extends Object
    Filip Hrisafov
    • Field Detail

      • authoritiesAttributes

        protected Collection<String> authoritiesAttributes
        The name of the attributes from which authorities should be extracted from without any changes.
      • groupsAttributes

        protected Collection<String> groupsAttributes
        The name of the attributes from which groups should be extracted from and converter to Flowable Groups.
      • tenantAttribute

        protected String tenantAttribute
        The name of the attribute that holds the tenant id for the authentication.
      • userDefinitionKeyAttribute

        protected String userDefinitionKeyAttribute
        The name of the attribute that holds the user definition key attribute for the authentication.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OAuth2MapperProperties

        public OAuth2MapperProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthoritiesAttributes

        public Collection<String> getAuthoritiesAttributes()
      • setAuthoritiesAttributes

        public void setAuthoritiesAttributes​(Collection<String> authoritiesAttributes)
      • setGroupsAttributes

        public void setGroupsAttributes​(Collection<String> groupsAttributes)
      • getTenantAttribute

        public String getTenantAttribute()
      • setTenantAttribute

        public void setTenantAttribute​(String tenantAttribute)
      • getUserDefinitionKeyAttribute

        public String getUserDefinitionKeyAttribute()
      • setUserDefinitionKeyAttribute

        public void setUserDefinitionKeyAttribute​(String userDefinitionKeyAttribute)