Class FlowablePrincipalSecurityScope

    • Field Detail

      • principal

        protected final Principal principal
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlowablePrincipalSecurityScope

        public FlowablePrincipalSecurityScope​(Principal principal)
    • Method Detail

      • getUserId

        public String getUserId()
        Description copied from interface: SecurityScope
        The id of the user for which the security scope is meant for
        Specified by:
        getUserId in interface SecurityScope
        the user id
      • getGroupKeys

        public Set<String> getGroupKeys()
        Description copied from interface: SecurityScope
        The group keys for which the security scope is meant for
        Specified by:
        getGroupKeys in interface SecurityScope
        the group keys
      • getTenantId

        public String getTenantId()
        Description copied from interface: SecurityScope
        The tenant id for which the security scope is meant for
        Specified by:
        getTenantId in interface SecurityScope
        the tenant id
      • getUserDefinitionKey

        public String getUserDefinitionKey()
        Description copied from interface: SecurityScope
        The user definition key for which the security scope is meant for
        Specified by:
        getUserDefinitionKey in interface SecurityScope
        the user definition key
      • hasAuthority

        public boolean hasAuthority​(String authority)
        Description copied from interface: SecurityScope
        Check if the security scope has the given authority.
        Specified by:
        hasAuthority in interface SecurityScope
        authority - the authority to be checked
        true if the security scope has the given authority, false otherwise