Interface PlatformUser

    • Method Detail

      • getType

        String getType()
        The type of the user. It is possible that a user does not have this set, in this case this is a normal non special user.
        the type of the user
        See Also:
        for known types
      • getSubType

        String getSubType()
      • getUserDefinitionKey

        String getUserDefinitionKey()
      • getCreatorId

        String getCreatorId()
      • getCreationTime

        Date getCreationTime()
      • getUpdaterId

        String getUpdaterId()
      • getUpdateTime

        Date getUpdateTime()
      • getState

        String getState()
        Returns the state of this user.
        the state
      • getSubState

        String getSubState()
        Returns the sub state of this user.
        the sub state
      • isActive

        default boolean isActive()
        Returns true if this user is active, false if it is deactivated, null if cannot be determined because the state field is not available.
        true if this user is active
      • getAvatarId

        String getAvatarId()
        Returns the optional avatar image ID, if this user has an avatar saved in their profile. This can be a content item ID
        the optional avatar image ID
      • getPresence

        String getPresence()
        Returns the current presence of the user.
        the presence of the user
        See Also:
        for known states
      • getPresenceTime

        Date getPresenceTime()
        The time the current presence of the user was set
        the time the presence of the user was set
      • getLanguage

        String getLanguage()
        Returns the language of this user.
        the language
      • getIdentityInfo

        List<PlatformIdentityInfo> getIdentityInfo()
        Returns the identity info properties of this user.
        the identity info properties
      • findOrElseGet

        <T> T findOrElseGet​(String name,
                            Class<T> clazz,
                            Supplier<T> defaultValueSupplier)
      • findOrElse

        <T> T findOrElse​(String name,
                         Class<T> clazz,
                         T defaultValue)
      • findString

        default String findString​(String name)
        Find a string info with the given name.
        name - the name of the info
        the value for the given name, or null if such info does not exist
      • isExternalUser

        default boolean isExternalUser()
        Helper method for checking that the user is of type UserTypes.EXTERNAL
        true if the user is of type UserTypes.EXTERNAL, false otherwise
      • isBot

        default boolean isBot()
        Helper method for checking that the user is of type UserTypes.BOT
        true if the user is of type UserTypes.BOT, false otherwise