Class FlowableContentTestHelper

  • public class FlowableContentTestHelper
    extends Object
    A Helper for the Flowable FlowableContentExtension that can be used within the JUnit Jupiter context store and users can use it in the tests for easy modifying of the ContentEngine time and easy access for waiting on the job executor.
    Filip Hrisafov
    • Field Detail

      • deploymentIdFromDeploymentAnnotation

        protected String deploymentIdFromDeploymentAnnotation
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlowableContentTestHelper

        public FlowableContentTestHelper​(ContentEngine contentEngine)
    • Method Detail

      • getDeploymentIdFromDeploymentAnnotation

        public String getDeploymentIdFromDeploymentAnnotation()
      • setDeploymentIdFromDeploymentAnnotation

        public void setDeploymentIdFromDeploymentAnnotation​(String deploymentIdFromDeploymentAnnotation)
      • setCurrentTime

        public void setCurrentTime​(Date date)
      • setCurrentTime

        public void setCurrentTime​(Instant instant)