Class AppTestHelper

  • public abstract class AppTestHelper
    extends Object
    Tijs Rademakers
    • Field Detail


        protected static final String[] APP_RESOURCE_SUFFIXES
    • Constructor Detail

      • AppTestHelper

        public AppTestHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • annotationDeploymentSetUp

        public static String annotationDeploymentSetUp​(AppEngine appEngine,
                                                       Class<?> testClass,
                                                       String methodName)
      • annotationDeploymentTearDown

        public static void annotationDeploymentTearDown​(AppEngine appEngine,
                                                        String deploymentId,
                                                        Class<?> testClass,
                                                        String methodName)
      • getAppEngine

        public static AppEngine getAppEngine​(String configurationResource)
      • getAppDefinitionResource

        public static String getAppDefinitionResource​(Class<?> type,
                                                      String name)
        get a resource location by convention based on a class (type) and a relative resource name. The return value will be the full classpath location of the type, plus a suffix built from the name parameter: APP_RESOURCE_SUFFIXES. The first resource matching a suffix will be returned.