Class AppEngines

  • public abstract class AppEngines
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • AppEngines

        public AppEngines()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public static void init()
        Initializes all App engines that can be found on the classpath for resources and for resources flowable-app-context.xml (Spring style configuration).
      • initAppEngineFromSpringResource

        protected static void initAppEngineFromSpringResource​(URL resource)
      • registerAppEngine

        public static void registerAppEngine​(AppEngine appEngine)
        Registers the given app engine. No EngineInfo will be available for this app engine. An engine that is registered will be closed when the destroy() is called.
      • unregister

        public static void unregister​(AppEngine appEngine)
        Unregisters the given app engine.
      • buildAppEngine

        protected static AppEngine buildAppEngine​(URL resource)
      • getAppEngineInfos

        public static List<EngineInfo> getAppEngineInfos()
        Get initialization results.
      • getAppEngineInfo

        public static EngineInfo getAppEngineInfo​(String appEngineName)
        Get initialization results. Only info will we available for app engines which were added in the init(). No EngineInfo is available for engines which were registered programmatically.
      • getDefaultAppEngine

        public static AppEngine getDefaultAppEngine()
      • getAppEngine

        public static AppEngine getAppEngine​(String appEngineName)
        Obtain an app engine by name.
        appEngineName - is the name of the app engine or null for the default app engine.
      • retry

        public static EngineInfo retry​(String resourceUrl)
        retries to initialize an app engine that previously failed.
      • getAppEngines

        public static Map<String,​AppEngine> getAppEngines()
        provides access to app engine to application clients in a managed server environment.
      • destroy

        public static void destroy()
        closes all app engines. This method should be called when the server shuts down.
      • isInitialized

        public static boolean isInitialized()
      • setInitialized

        public static void setInitialized​(boolean isInitialized)